USA Real Estate Buy & Sell

Find American homes and condos for sale or sold prices by cities.


raleigh 2809

richmond 1616

reno 1175

riverview 1025

round rock 977

richmond 753

rochester 637

riverside 625

rancho mirage 597

rotonda west 563

rosenberg 542

raeford 522

rapid city 522

roanoke 520

rock hill 502

rockwall 498

riviera beach 472

rosharon 470

royse city 466

rogers 457

rockport 421

royal palm beach 404

rome 393

richmond hill 383

rowlett 377

ruskin 377

rio rancho 375

riverdale 349

rocky mount 303

richardson 299

roswell 294

rochester 293

rockville 287

rockford 283

redding 282

ramapo 277

rockledge 253

reading 246

ruidoso 243

rehoboth beach 239

ridgefield 238

roseville 238

redmond 237

richmond 233

rancho cucamonga 229

royal oak 229

reunion 225

redondo beach 208

roseburg 205

rio rico 200

ringgold 192

rio verde 190

riverhead 189

rathdrum 187

redlands 182

richmond 182

rancho palos verdes 171

republic 171

rossville 160

reston 159

renton 156

russellville 156

red oak 149

racine 148

revere 140

riverton 140

rigby 137

reidsville 136

rincon 126

rexburg 125

ridgeland 125

raymore 122

rancho santa fe 121

rosemount 121

rosamond 120

redford 115

rockford 114

rialto 112

rock island 112

redmond 111

raytown 110

radcliff 109

river grove 109

richlands 108

reynoldsburg 106

roanoke 106

reseda 103

rockmart 103

redington shores 101

red bank 100

roseville 100

ranson 99

rutherfordton 99

rochester hills 98

robertsdale 97

rancho cordova 94

red lodge 94

rogers 94

roy 94

rex 93

robstown 93

rolla 92

rye town 92

rocklin 91

rio grande city 90

roxboro 90

ridgeland 89

ruther glen 89

rockdale 86

rancho santa margarita 83

rhome 83

redwood city 82

ramona 79

rio vista 78

rogersville 78

ramsey 77

running springs 76

riverdale 75

red rock 74

river ridge 74

roebuck 74

ridgewood 73

rolesville 73

reisterstown 72

ridgefield 72

rochester 72

rancho mission viejo 71

robbinsville 70

rhinelander 68

richland 68

ruston 68

rock springs 66

robinson 64

reeds spring 63

ross twp 63

russellville 63

red bluff 62

ridgecrest 60

romeoville 60

rochester 59

rahway 58

river vale 58

romulus 58

roseville 57

rupert 57

rockwood 56

rawlins 55

redington beach 55

rosemead 54

red lion 53

rice lake 53

rockingham 53

rohnert park 53

rusk 53

rocky river 52

ripley 50

rocky mount 50

ravenna 49

rome-inside 49

rosedale 49

runaway bay 49

ramsey 48

ravenel 48

reedley 48

richfield 48

river falls 48

rocky ford 48

round lake beach 48

rhinebeck 47

riverton 47

rocky hill 47

rye city 47

rayne 46

rogersville 46

royersford 46

rogersville 45

rolling meadows 45

roselle 45

royston 45

ruckersville 45

roxbury 44

randolph 43

richfield 43

rimrock 43

rome, inside 42

rowland heights 42

rye 42

ridgeville 41

rumson 41

rutherford 41

rutledge 41

rockingham 39

radnor 38

rainsville 38

reading 38

redding 38

rensselaer 38

river forest 38

red hook 37

richton park 37

ronan 37

round lake 37

rustburg 37

randleman 36

ridgway 36

rochester 36

roselle 36

randallstown 35

reedsburg 35

rexford 35

russell springs 35

river oaks 34

river rouge 34

roscoe 34

rossville 34

roy 34

rainbow city 33

red wing 33

reno 33

ridgefield 33

robbinsville 33

rock spring 33

rome 33

russellville 33

ridgefield park 32

rockland 32

rockvale 32

roundup 32

reed city 31

reedsport 31

richland hills 31

rineyville 31

rocky point 31

ray city 30

red springs 30

riceville 30

riverdale 30

rock rapids 30

rockwell 30

red feather lakes 29

rehoboth 29

richmond 29

rochester 29

rushville 29

raymond 28

richmond 28

rock falls 28

rockawaybeach 28

rolling hills estates 28

rostraver 28

rutland city 28

ramrod key 27

riverbank 27

rosemary beach 27

reedville 26

ripon 26

rocky face 26

rodanthe 26

roosevelt 26

rose hill 26

royal 26

rapid city 25

raymond 25

reading 25

reidville 25

richland 25

richmond heights 25

richwood 25

rising fawn 25

rixeyville 25

roan mountain 25

roscommon 25

rural hall 25

rye 25

rifle 24

riverside 24

robbinsdale 24

roma 24

roxbury 24

raynham 23

richmond 23

ringwood 23

riverside 23

roanoke 23

ranger 22

ranger 22

refugio 22

riverdale 22

robinson twp - nwa 22

rochelle 22

rock hall 22

rockford 22

rocky top 22

rantoul 21

roaring gap 21

rogue river 21

ruidoso downs 21

rainier 20

rio vista 20

roselle park 20

rutland 20

richburg 19

richland 19

ridgeway 19

river edge 19

roberts 19

rockville 19

romney 19

ravenswood 18

rector 18

regent square 18

richfield 18

richlands 18

riesel 18

rindge 18

ripon 18

rittman 18

riverside 18

riverside 18

rockaway 18

rockland 18

rockton 18

rural retreat 18

ramseur 17

ripley 17

roanoke 17

roanoke rapids 17

rochelle park 17

rochester 17

rock island 17

roland 17

ronald 17

roseville 17

russells point 17

rydal 17

raymond 16

red boiling springs 16

reddick 16

reserve 16

reva 16

rhododendron 16

richland 16

ridgeley 16

rio grande 16

rison 16

roaming shores 16

rockford 16

rockport 16

rougemont 16

russell 16

rutledge 16

rabun gap 15

ragley 15

raisinville twp 15

ramah 15

rayville 15

red rock 15

redway 15

richmond 15

ridgely 15

ridley park 15

rives junction 15

robersonville 15

rose bud 15

rainier 14

rancho murieta 14

resaca 14

reserve 14

rhine 14

ridge manor 14

ridgeway 14

rio communities 14

rising sun 14

river ranch 14

riverview 14

rockport 14

rogers 14

rosendale 14

russellville 14

racine 13

random lake 13

remington 13

rescue 13

richmond 13

richmond 13

riverdale 13

riverside 13

roca 13

roebling 13

rolling hills 13

roman forest 13

roseboro 13

round hill 13

rowland 13

runnemede 13

russiaville 13

ramer 12

randle 12

randolph 12

remer 12

remlap 12

rice 12

richfield 12

richland 12

riddle 12

ringoes 12

rio dell 12

rising star 12

river hills 12

riviera 12

robbins 12

rolling prairie 12

round o 12

royalton 12

radford 11

ranchos de taos 11

red bud 11

redwood valley 11

reform 11

reliance 11

rib lake 11

rice 11

richland center 11

rickman 11

rickreall 11

rio hondo 11

ritzville 11

riverton 11

robert 11

robinson 11

rochester 11

rodeo 11

roseau 11

rancho viejo 10

ransom canyon 10

raymondville 10

rayne twp/ernest 10

red bay 10

redfield 10

remsen 10

richboro 10

richford 10

richland 10

richmond 10

richwood 10

riley 10

riverview 10

robbins 10

rochester twp 10

rockbridge 10

rockford 10

rockwood 10

roeland park 10

ronda 10

ropesville 10

roseland 10

rossville 10

rush 10

rutherford 10

ryderwood 10

ragland 9

ralston 9

rangely 9

raphine 9

raritan 9

ravenna 9

redwood falls 9

reidsville 9

republic 9

rice 9

richfield 9

richfield 9

richmond 9

richmond heights 9

ringgold 9

rio linda 9

riverton 9

roberts 9

robinson twp - nwa 9

roff 9

rome, outside 9

rosebud 9

roseville 9

round top 9

royal oaks 9

rush 9

rushford 9

rutland 9

raceland 8

randolph 8

ravenden 8

reading 8

reese 8

remote 8

richardsville 8

richland 8

richmond 8

richmond 8

riga 8

ripley 8

roachdale 8

robinson twp - wsh 8

rochelle 8

rockville 8

rodney 8

romance 8

roopville 8

roseland 8

rothbury 8

rushville 8

rutland town 8

ranburne 7

ray 7

raymond 7

raymond 7

red hill 7

redstone twp 7

reed point 7

rentz 7

rhoadesville 7

ribera 7

richland 7

riggins 7

rileyville 7

ripley 7

riverside 7

riverwoods 7

robbins 7

rock creek 7

rockfield 7

rogers 7

rollins 7

romeo 7

roper 7

roseland 7

rosiclare 7

rosman 7

rossford 7

rotan 7

ramah 6

ramsey 6

randall 6

randolph 6

ravenna 6

ravensdale 6

readlyn 6

readstown 6

red banks 6

red cross 6

reelsville 6

remus 6

richfield 6

riegelsville 6

riegelwood 6

ririe 6

robins 6

rockaway beach 6

rockaway beach 6

rockaway park 6

rockland 6

rockville 6

rome 6

rome city 6

rose 6

rosebush 6

rossmoor 6

rough and ready 6

round lake park 6

round mountain 6

rushsylvania 6

russia 6

rail road flat 5

ramona 5

rapid 5

rayburn twp 5

rayland 5

reading 5

readsboro 5

red bank 5

red lake falls 5

red oak 5

redkey 5

redstone 5

republic 5

reynoldsville 5

riceboro 5

rich hill 5

rich square 5

richton 5

ridgely 5

rimforest 5

ringling 5

risingsun 5

riverside 5

roaring spring 5

robesonia 5

roby 5

rocheport 5

rochester 5

rockaway boro 5

rockwood 5

roland 5

ronks 5

rootstown 5

rose city 5

rose hill 5

roslyn 5

round lake 5

round mountain 5

rouses point 5

rubicon 5

rush city 5

rush lake twp 5

russellville 5

ryegate 5

raccoon twp 4

radisson 4

radnor 4

raleigh 4

ralls 4

ramey 4

ramsay 4

ranchita 4

rankin 4

rankin 4

raven 4

rawlings 4

rawson 4

rayville 4

reading 4

readington 4

readyville 4

red cedar 4

red oak 4

redfield 4

redgranite 4

reedsville 4

reedy 4

reinbeck 4

rembert 4

richland 4

richmond 4

richmond 4

richmond 4

ridgeway 4

ridgway 4

ringle 4

riverdale 4

riverdale 4

riverdale 4

riverside 4

rivesville 4

roanoke 4

roaring river 4

roberta 4

rochester 4

rochester twp 4

rockaway beach 4

rockford 4

rockingham 4

rockport 4

rocksprings 4

rockvale 4

rockville 4

rocky 4

rocky comfort 4

rocky mount 4

rodman 4

roggen 4

romulus 4

roodhouse 4

rose hill 4

rosemont 4

rossville 4

rothsay 4

rothschild 4

round mountain 4

round top 4

roundhill 4

rowley 4

roxton 4

royalton 4

royalton 4

rudolph 4

rudyard 4

ruffin 4

rule 4

rusk 4

ruston 4

rutledge 4

raceland 3

rackerby 3

radersburg 3

radium springs 3

rancho cascades 3

randolph 3

rapidan 3

rapids city 3

ravenna 3

raymond 3

raymond 3

red river 3

redvale 3

reedsville 3

reeves 3

reevesville 3

regent 3

regina 3

reinholds 3

renovo 3

reynolds 3

reynolds 3

rhodesdale 3

rib mountain 3

richford 3

richland 3

richview 3

richville 3

ridge 3

ridge spring 3

ridgedale 3

ridgefarm 3

ridgeway 3

ridgeway 3

ridgewood 3

ridott 3

rio 3

rio 3

rio grande 3

ripley 3

riverton 3

roanoke 3

robeline 3

roberts 3

robertsville 3

rochester mills 3

rock 3

rock cave 3

rock hill 3

rock island 3

rocksbury twp 3

rockton 3

rocky gap 3

rodessa 3

rogers 3

rome-outside 3

roosevelt 3

roosevelt 3

rosanky 3

roscoe 3

rose hill acres 3

rosendale 3

ross 3

rossiter 3

rossville 3

roxana 3

roxbury twp 3

royal oak 3

ruffin 3

rumney 3

rush springs 3

rushford 3

rushville 3

russell 3

ruthton 3

rutland 3

ryan 3

ryan township 3

raeford township 2

raiford 2

rainbow 2

raleigh 2

ralph 2

ramer 2

randall 2

randlett 2

randolph 2

randolph township 2

range 2

ransom 2

rantoul 2

rapid river 2

raton 2

rattan 2

ravenden springs 2

ravenna 2

ray twp 2

raymond 2

raymond 2

reagan 2

rebecca 2

red oak 2

red river 2

red springs 2

redfield 2

redmond 2

redwater 2

reed springs 2

reedsville 2

reeseville 2

register 2

reklaw 2

remerton 2

reminderville 2

remington 2

remsen 2

renner 2

rensselaerville 2

renville 2

republic 2

reynolds 2

reynolds 2

rhine 2

rhineland 2

rice 2

rice lake 2

richland springs 2

richland twp 2

richlandtown 2

richmond ks 2

richmondale 2

richmondville 2

richvale 2

ridgeland 2

ridgeville 2

riley 2

riner 2

ringtown 2

ripley 2

risco 2

riva 2

riverside 2

roann 2

roberts 2

robinsonville 2

roby 2

rochelle 2

rochert 2

rochester 2

rock creek 2

rock creek 2

rock falls 2

rockford twp 2

rockhill furnace 2

rockholds 2

rockland 2

rockledge 2

rockwell city 2

rogers city 2

rogueriver 2

rolling fork 2

rollingstone 2

romney 2

roosevelt 2

root 2

roscoe 2

roscoe 2

rose 2

rose valley 2

roseboom 2

rosedale 2

rosedale 2

rosedale 2

roselle boro 2

rosendale 2

roseto 2

rosholt 2

rosston 2

roulette 2

round lake heights 2

rowlesburg 2

roxbury 2

roxie 2

roxobel 2

royal center 2

royal city 2

royal lakes 2

royal palm estates 2

royalton 2

rubicon bay 2

ruby valley 2

ruffs dale 2

runge 2

rupert 2

rush 2

russell 2

rutland 2

rutland 2

rutledge 2

ruxton 2

ryegate 2

racine 1

racine 1

racine 1

radiant 1

ragland 1

rainelle 1

ranchester 1

rand 1

randlett 1

randolph 1

randolph 1

randsburg 1

rangely 1

rankin 1

ranshaw 1

rapd city 1

rapid city, sd. 1

rapid ciy 1

rapid valley 1

rappahannock academy 1

rarden 1

rathbone 1

ratliff city 1

ravalli 1

ravena 1

ravenna twp 1

ravenwood 1

rawlings 1

ray 1

ray 1

ray 1

raymondville 1

raywick 1

raywood 1

reader 1

reading 1

reading city 1

reads landing 1

reagan 1

red bay 1

red cliff 1

red house 1

red jacket 1

red level 1

redcrest 1

redfield 1

redford 1

redmon 1

redwood 1

reece city 1

reed 1

reeds 1

reedsville 1

rego park 1

reile's acres 1

rembrandt 1

remsenburg 1

renault 1

renfrew 1

repton 1

republic 1

reserve 1

reubens 1

revelo 1

rewey 1

reydell 1

reyno 1

reynolds 1

reynolds station 1

reynoldsville 1

rhinecliff 1

rhodes 1

rhodes 1

ricardo 1

rice lake twp 1

riceville 1

richards 1

richardson twp 1

richfield 1

richland 1

richland 1

richland, in 1

richlawn 1

richmond 1

richmondtown 1

richwood 1

richwood twp 1

richwoods 1

riddleton 1

ridge branch 1

ridge farm 1

ridgecrest 1

ridgeville 1

ridgeway 1

ridgway 1

ridgway borough pa 1

riegelsville boro 1

rig 1

rillito 1

rimersburg 1

rincon 1

ringgold 1

ringling 1

ringwood 1

rio 1

rio frio 1

rio lucio 1

rio nido 1

rio oso 1

ripley twp 1

ripton 1

rising city 1

rising sun 1

river 1

river falls twp 1

riverside 1

riverside 1

riverton 1

riverview 1

road 1

roanoke 1

robert lee 1

robertsdale 1

robertson 1

robinson 1

rochelle 1

rochester 1

rock creek 1

rock hill 1

rock port 1

rock spring 1

rockaway 1

rockbridge baths 1

rockdale 1

rocker 1

rockford 1

rockland 1

rockland key 1

rockland township 1

rockland twp 1

rockport, in 1

rockville centre 1

rockwell 1

rockwood 1

rockwood 1

rockwood boro 1

rocky branch 1

rocky ford 1

rocky hill 1

rodney 1

rogers 1

rogerson 1

rollinsford 1

romansville 1

rondo 1

roosevelt 1

roosevelt park 1

rosalia 1

roscoe 1

roscoe twp 1

rose 1

rose creek 1

rosebud 1

rosedale 1

rosedale 1

roselawn 1

rosenhayn 1

rosepine 1

rosewood heights 1

rosie 1

rosine 1

roslyn 1

ross 1

ross 1

ross 1

ross township 1

round lake 1

rouzerville 1

rowe 1

rowesville 1

rowland 1

roxbury 1

roxbury township 1

roy 1

royalston 1

royalton 1

royalton twp 1

ruby 1

rudolph 1

rudy 1

rufe 1

rufus 1

ruleville 1

rupert 1

rurban 1

rush township 1

rushford 1

rushville 1

russell 1

russell 1

russell 1

russell 1

russellville 1

ruth 1

ruth 1

rutherford 1

rutheron 1

rydal 1

rye 1

ryland heights 1

ryndon 1


Disclaimer: Listing count is for reference use only and may differ from actual numbers due to rapid market changes.
